I have something to say before I become a yoga teacher…


I rarely have anything bad to say about anything anymore. I know that allowing negativity into your life only attracts more negativity. This time, however, I just need to vent. First, some background to the story.

I decided close to a year ago that I was no longer happy with what I did for a living. I spent a lot of time in meditation, and praying for guidance because I knew I couldn’t carry on much longer with the status quo that had become my life. I decided to try to find something that I enjoyed to do with the rest my life. I began creating, and woodworking, and writing. I started to notice that things around me were becoming more clear. I began to have faith that I was not put here to work for big pharma, doing a job that I knew was wrong. I began to ask for signs in my meditations that would direct me, and to keep me on this path that I was giving more faith to everyday. Well, they came, they came in droves. It is true that the more you look, the more you find. As 2015 wore on I decided that if I really wanted things to change that I would have to leave my comfort zone and go see the world. How I was going to do this, I had no idea.

I had just gotten done reading “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and over and over in the book the author kept saying to create what you want that you should act like you already had it, and to be thankful for it ahead of time. I wanted more than anything to travel. The first thing I did was change my last name on Facebook to Kerouac after one of my favorite authors and world travellers. I decided that everytime I logged in and saw that, that it would remind me of that goal. Next I decided that I wanted to strengthen my yoga practice because yoga and meditation, I believe, unequivocally, were the reasons I was able to heal and overcome addiction and depression, and also grow my awareness allowing all the signs I kept receiving, and why I felt so much more faith in things. I began looking for places that offered yoga teacher training. There were tons of places around my hometown that offered it, and I reached out to many of them for information.

By now 2015 was winding down. I was as unhappy as ever in my job, and knew it was almost time to move on. I took vacation from work, and travelled to North Carolina to visit my cousin. While I was there I took some time to familiarize myself with the area because I felt like this may be a good place to start the rest of my life. I visited some yoga studios and looked at classifieds. I even dropped off a few resumes. When I returned home I decided that by the following winter I was moving to North Carolina hell or high water. Within the next couple of days I had decided that I was going to sign up for yoga teacher training at a school in my hometown. On the day that I finally decided to sign up at a school close to home, (I had the website open ready to make my payment) I saw an ad on Facebook for a place called Vinyasa Arts LKN. LKN, LKN, I thought, received_10210128786245530where have I heard of that before? I looked it up and realized it stood for Lake Norman which is the lake that is a few minutes drive from my cousins house in North Carolina. I began researching Vinyasa Arts. I was impressed to say the least. They were a married couple, Andy and Tamara, with 25 years of combined experience. They had a studio in San Diego, and were relocating to North Carolina to open a studio there. I watched a couple of videos that they had made, and I was sold. Not only did they have the experience I wanted in teachers, but they seemed like genuinely good people. Their classes began in July which gave me some time to situate my life and quit my job. Best of all it came out of nowhere, my favorite place. A sign if you will.

It has been a whirlwind adventure since then to say the least. I really didn’t know what to expect. I am not the most stretchy guy, and my poses all need a ton of work. I spent the few days prior to my first class worrying over things like; would I be the only guy, would I be too old, or not in shape enough. Well the first class came. I realized at that moment how tough these next three months would be. This was real yoga, hardly any resemblance of the yoga I had taken for the three years prior. I sweated more in that first 75 minute class than I did running cross country all through high school. I did however realize that this was exactly what I needed to strengthen my practice. My classmates were all amazing people of all different ages and backgrounds, and we all came together like family almost immediately. We pushed each other to work hard, and be better in our practice. When one of us struggled with something there was no laughing, we simply helped each other through. In times of real life pain we all came together to try and make each other feel better. It was truly a family, or a tribe maybe. Everyone working toward a common goal, and helping each other over the hurdles it took to get there. I was amazed at the abilities and wisdom of our teachers, yet equally amazed at the comradary of my classmates. I know I could never have gotten this far without them. I am blessed that they were all thrown into my life.img_20160924_172439973_hdr

Ok now back to the rant… In one of our first class lectures we were talking about healing and yoga. During this talk our teachers told us that the yoga alliance has said that we cannot equate our yoga practice with healing when we advertise our classes without getting in trouble with the powers that be. This irks me to no end. So before I do become a yoga teacher and get in trouble for saying it let me tell you… Yoga IS healing for the mind body and spirit. Without any references to studies or lab tests etc. I myself can tell you, from my very own experience, that yoga is, if you put the effort into it, one of the most effective healing things you can do for your mind body and spirit. I will never tell you that my way is better than yours, because I know that people heal in their own ways. Anything you put a healing light toward can become a form of healing. Healing is truly about the effort you put into it. Yoga, meditation, religion, Tae Kwon Do, whatever brings you inward to find that spirit of healing inside of you can be your spark.

This, to me, reeks of big pharma sticking their nose in to stop from losing profits, and being more worried about selling more of their temporary solutions to the masses who are sold by their fancy advertisements, than actually ever helping someone. I worked in big pharma, I know how they operate, I know that from top to bottom it is all a lie.

It’s sad to me that people are so easily sold on treatments and medications, rather than diet and exercise. I have had so many people tell me “oh I’ve tried everything to help” this or that, but then when I ask them if they have tried yoga, it’s usually “yea I went once”. Well once is not what it takes to help with anything or change bad habits. Yoga is not a miracle cure, but if you put some dedication into it I can bet you will feel better in a month of regular practice than you do now. The best part of Yoga, practiced safely, with a good instructor, is that there are no side effects like the medicines you are sold by big pharma with lists of them so long it will make your head spin. Yes there are medicines we all need, but in many cases, especially, in my opinion, of cases of trauma, depression, anxiety, and many times incurable disease, you are being sold drugs that create no healing whatsoever, only a temporary relief from symptoms with very real risks from disastrous side effects.

Those of you who know me know that if something is wrong I will say it, like I did to big pharma. I see something wrong here. I obviously can’t tell the yoga alliance what to do, but if I could, I would tell them to let people know in every way possible that yoga surely can help you heal, because it does. The stories of healing are endless. If not for its healing light I would still be where I was 4 years ago. Mired in a downward spiral, and depressed that life was not getting any better for me and wondering why. I took the reigns and righted the ship with yoga and meditation. You can too with dedication. For we may not be able to change our fate, yet we can all choose our destiny.

Peace, love, and light. ~ p4th3tic


Pictures and thoughts from the weekend of 03-26-16

Still trying to figure out this sleeping at night thing. It makes for some early road trips. I had been planning to go for a drive and a hike for a few weeks now, but the weather has been crappy, and the whole work fiasco thingy. I really wanted to go to Watkin’s Glen, but I just can’t see going there without the gorge trail being open. I still hadn’t decided when I left where I was going to go. I had it down to three; Stony Brook, Watkin’s Glen, or Ithaca. I really felt like getting a good workout so I decided on Ithaca. I knew a bunch of different places I wanted to see that I hadn’t yet been to. The day started with this stunning sunrise. The sun looked HUGE! The picture no where near does it justice…


Love seeing things like this. 🙂


First stop Taughannock Falls. Can anyone tell me what kind of bird is in this pic? He is a little camouflaged, to the left of the base of the falls in the pic. I didn’t even see him coming. I wish I did so I could have focused on him better. He was gorgeous, and a big boy!


Majestic for sure! The energy is fantastic here.





Getting wet 200 feet away 🙂


Stay behind wall… 😉


Those first couple must have been tough…


I added a stone.


Loving my new phone camera.


How is no one fishing on a beautiful Saturday like this!?


I will never ever drive by this place without stopping here.


“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, “This is what it is to be happy.”
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar


“I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it.”
William Shakespeare


“Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings.”
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


This looked fun. 800 Stairs. Cascadilla Falls, as close as I got. Still closed for the winter. Sad because I was really looking forward to this one. 😦


“Stairs, are they going up or are they going down? They’re so confusing! If love were a physical thing, it would be stairs.”
Jarod Kintz (Love quotes for the ages. Specifically ages 18-81.)


I went to Lick Brook Falls. It was a nice walk, but not a whole lot to see. I did sign the trail journal though. 🙂


About the coolest thing I saw at Lick Brook 🙂 I wish I could have taken it home.


Robert Treman Entrance, path to the Rim Trail.


“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”
Louis L’Amour


“For whatever we lose (like a you or a me),
It’s always our self we find in the sea.”
E.E. Cummings (100 Selected Poems)


I finally found a good heart rock! Coincidentally the top of the heart is as sharp as a razor. 😉


“Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway.”
Eleanor Roosevelt


The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved. Samuel Smiles


Right where I belong…


The base of Lucifer Falls. As close as I could get without hopping a fence 😉 If I had some water shoes with me I could have walked Right up to it. Anyone else see the face on the wall?


More cool rock sculptures! People are awesome.



It’s a long way dowwwwwwwnnnnn.


Home in time to grab the pup for a sunset and walk. I did a good 7 or 8 miles today.


“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Albert Einstein


Easter Sunday

Sunrise with the pup…


A little bit of everything in this picture; moon, bird, nature, industry, and technology.


Pretty cool mirror image on this one. You can see the reflection of the moon, bird, and cloud…


…And the sun. Love the ghost birds if you full size it.


Getting a bit more patient as other people pass… 🙂


And Finally Happy Easter!


An Easter Poem For You: Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wish I were in the chocolate biz! Happy Easter.

❤ p4th3tic


Dear person who is considering friending me on facebook:


Right where I belong 2A, number, one, I love my dog. If you are going to add me as a friend please understand that if you don’t limit me in your news feed, which is very easy to do, that you will incur from me, pictures of my dog, posts on how to heal, quotes I love and live by, and stories from my blog and other’s that I find helpful or interesting. This is what I believe Facebook was meant for; sharing memories, keeping in touch, putting a good message out into the world, and maybe even helping a person or two. I try very hard to never post anything with a negative vibe because I fully believe that your thoughts are your energy, and that becomes your reality. I want to be able to scroll through my feed and see positive thoughts, and happy pictures from happy people. If I wanted negativity I would just turn on the television, thankfully that never happens because I do not own one.

If you post negative things on your feed there is a good chance that I will mark you as an acquaintance so that I don’t get updates from you. I have blocked or de-friended various people for some things that most people would probably see as little things, but I just don’t need the negativity in my life.  I am not judging anyone, I am simply setting boundaries that I can live with.

I’m sorry that the pictures of my dog, pretty sunsets/sunrises, and waterfalls might muck 273d6abb74ef6d9eb779804537229fb7up some moments that could be spent reading funny memes, or reading/re-posting articles about an election that has no chance of ever being good for this country. I’m sorry that by that lengthening of the scrolling experience, that it is taking time away from the television. If my postings do not suit you, or you feel offended by anything I post, I truly invite you to add me to your acquaintances, block me altogether, or just stop looking at my page and /or my blog altogether. That would seem like a good corrective action for someone to take, and a good boundary to set. I promise I won’t be offended, and I don’t ever mean to intrude on “real life”, or incur anyone, any waste of time.


Marley June 1st, 2000 - August 21st, 2015

Marley June 1st, 2000 – August 21st, 2015

I spend my time living life and recording it in pictures and words, especially of my best friend, mostly because I didn’t get that chance with my other best friend that recently died. For the short time I did have with him, I was, like what seems to be most people, more worried about “real life” A meaningless job, how I was going to medicate to feel better, what was on TV, who posted what today, and how could I read in too deeply into their posts and make them about me. Back then I did not have a nice digital camera, and the photos I did have, were lost in a hard drive crash before I had them backed up. I also know that I may not see my current best friend for a while because my spiritual path is leading me away from my home, where I may have to leave him for almost 11 months.

The best part is my dog loves to have photos taken of him! You should see 2d n methe difference in his demeanor as soon as I take out the camera to capture a moment in time for us. He knows it’s pose time, and listens better when my camera is pointed at him than he does at any other time, unless we’re at a waterfall because he simply cannot take his eyes off them.

Anyone is always welcome at anytime to come witness this with your own eyes, and spend some time with us, but plan an afternoon to lose “real life” time from because sometimes I go out intending to come right back, and find myself on a 200 mile journey. Simply let me know, and you are invited. I’m sorry if I don’t get back to you right away because sometimes I lose hours to creating things, reading books, playing guitar, or working out. Maybe someday I’ll work some time for TV back into my life, but it’s not seeming likely at this point. If by chance I am not replying to messages/emails/texts, I have 2 suggestions. First, try ringing my phone, I have a ringer set for calls, not for texts. The second option is to come and knock at my door. You are always welcome, I have tea and healthy snacks almost always, and love surprise visits! Should you bring a Tim Horton’s 2 sugar coffee with you, I will be even more inclined to let you in.

This has been a public service announcement in honor of National Puppy Day. Do something with your dog today! Either that, or knock at my door and go do something with me and my dog today! 🙂

Walking my path

❤ and light ~ p4th3tic

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign…

I’m always looking for signs. Sometimes they are tiny things like a song on the radio at the exact right moment, or when you figure out that gut feeling you had was exactly right. But sometimes they’re so prodigious that they can’t be ignored. Today I spent 2nd-guessing quitting my job. I had prepared myself for that, second-guessing is a very natural human reaction when making any important life-changing decision. Still it ate away at my psyche a bit, and muddled up my mood.

I took a short afternoon nap, and decided to go see the sunset when I awoke, as I do most days that I am DSC02224awake for them. I decided to change it up a bit and go somewhere different, maybe for a different perspective that might lighten my mood. Almost without thinking about it I decided on Chestnut Ridge. I had never been there for a sunset, and had read that the sunsets there were amazing. There are swings that you can sit on and stare out over the ridge. You can see almost the entire shoreline all the way to downtown Buffalo from this vantage point. When I arrived, to my dismay, the swings had been taken out for the winter. I sat in my car for a few minutes debating on whether I would just sit on the ground. Then I remembered I had a couple of folding chairs stowed under the floor in the back of the truck.

I grabbed my phone and my camera, and as I was getting out of the truck I saw a beautiful red tail hawk soaring above the hill. I hurried to grab my chair hoping to get a good picture of the bird. Sadly by the IMG_20160316_191258811_HDRtime I got the chair, the bird had flown elsewhere. I walked over to the top of the hill and chose a good spot near where one of the swings had been, in order to watch the sunset. As I pulled the chair from the bag, I looked over and saw young man with dreadlocks sitting on a wicker throne some 10 yards from me. I sat in silence taking in the view for a few minutes, and readying my camera for what was sure to be a breathtaking sunset. As I looked over at the young man, he was unpacking something from his own bag, it looked to be some sort of drum.

As he began to play I was awed by the sound of what he later told me was called a hang drum. I had seenDSC02225 them online in videos but never live. The sound of it was amazing. It was inspiring and soothing and created a very meditative mood. I snapped a couple pictures of him, but after listening for a few minutes I forgot all about my camera. He played nonstop for a good 10 minutes. I was hoping for him to take a break for a minute so that I could tell him how amazing it was. I finally decided I had to stop him myself and tell him. I walked up to him and I said, “I’m sorry man, I don’t want to break your groove but I had to thank you for playing for me.” He shook my hand and thanked me. He asked me my name, and told me his name was Nate. I asked him if I could record him for a few mins. He said, “Yea man record away.” I stood next to him and crouched down. It was the perfect vantage point as I could see the sun setting behind him. I took a couple of minute-and-a-half videos. When he finished we both looked at each other and kind of laughed, I think we both realized what a perfect moment it was.

We chatted for a few minutes afterward about politics, the state of the world, and what each of us did for a living. It was refreshing to hear someone so young with such wisdom. It turns out we both had a pretty crummy day, and we had both come to cleanse the day away. Experiencing his music definitely did the trick for me. I told him my name on Facebook so that he could see the video after I uploaded it.

When I got home I viewed the video and I was in awe. The second video I took had a beautiful fade in as the sun overexposed the lens of the camera, and just as he was finishing up that same overexposure of the lens happened again. You can hear my giddy laugh as he finishes up. Yep that was exactly what I needed for the day thanks Nate. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed it live!

