Dear person who is considering friending me on facebook:


Right where I belong 2A, number, one, I love my dog. If you are going to add me as a friend please understand that if you don’t limit me in your news feed, which is very easy to do, that you will incur from me, pictures of my dog, posts on how to heal, quotes I love and live by, and stories from my blog and other’s that I find helpful or interesting. This is what I believe Facebook was meant for; sharing memories, keeping in touch, putting a good message out into the world, and maybe even helping a person or two. I try very hard to never post anything with a negative vibe because I fully believe that your thoughts are your energy, and that becomes your reality. I want to be able to scroll through my feed and see positive thoughts, and happy pictures from happy people. If I wanted negativity I would just turn on the television, thankfully that never happens because I do not own one.

If you post negative things on your feed there is a good chance that I will mark you as an acquaintance so that I don’t get updates from you. I have blocked or de-friended various people for some things that most people would probably see as little things, but I just don’t need the negativity in my life.  I am not judging anyone, I am simply setting boundaries that I can live with.

I’m sorry that the pictures of my dog, pretty sunsets/sunrises, and waterfalls might muck 273d6abb74ef6d9eb779804537229fb7up some moments that could be spent reading funny memes, or reading/re-posting articles about an election that has no chance of ever being good for this country. I’m sorry that by that lengthening of the scrolling experience, that it is taking time away from the television. If my postings do not suit you, or you feel offended by anything I post, I truly invite you to add me to your acquaintances, block me altogether, or just stop looking at my page and /or my blog altogether. That would seem like a good corrective action for someone to take, and a good boundary to set. I promise I won’t be offended, and I don’t ever mean to intrude on “real life”, or incur anyone, any waste of time.


Marley June 1st, 2000 - August 21st, 2015

Marley June 1st, 2000 – August 21st, 2015

I spend my time living life and recording it in pictures and words, especially of my best friend, mostly because I didn’t get that chance with my other best friend that recently died. For the short time I did have with him, I was, like what seems to be most people, more worried about “real life” A meaningless job, how I was going to medicate to feel better, what was on TV, who posted what today, and how could I read in too deeply into their posts and make them about me. Back then I did not have a nice digital camera, and the photos I did have, were lost in a hard drive crash before I had them backed up. I also know that I may not see my current best friend for a while because my spiritual path is leading me away from my home, where I may have to leave him for almost 11 months.

The best part is my dog loves to have photos taken of him! You should see 2d n methe difference in his demeanor as soon as I take out the camera to capture a moment in time for us. He knows it’s pose time, and listens better when my camera is pointed at him than he does at any other time, unless we’re at a waterfall because he simply cannot take his eyes off them.

Anyone is always welcome at anytime to come witness this with your own eyes, and spend some time with us, but plan an afternoon to lose “real life” time from because sometimes I go out intending to come right back, and find myself on a 200 mile journey. Simply let me know, and you are invited. I’m sorry if I don’t get back to you right away because sometimes I lose hours to creating things, reading books, playing guitar, or working out. Maybe someday I’ll work some time for TV back into my life, but it’s not seeming likely at this point. If by chance I am not replying to messages/emails/texts, I have 2 suggestions. First, try ringing my phone, I have a ringer set for calls, not for texts. The second option is to come and knock at my door. You are always welcome, I have tea and healthy snacks almost always, and love surprise visits! Should you bring a Tim Horton’s 2 sugar coffee with you, I will be even more inclined to let you in.

This has been a public service announcement in honor of National Puppy Day. Do something with your dog today! Either that, or knock at my door and go do something with me and my dog today! 🙂

Walking my path

❤ and light ~ p4th3tic

2 thoughts on “Dear person who is considering friending me on facebook:

  1. After this post, I’m going to take Leilani on a long ride!

    Liked by 1 person

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